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Both our Doubles and Yogi tea sells for the low price of $2 per. Vegetarian, Delicious, Nutritious and affordable. hard to beat! we offer free samples everyday.

Doubles, THE BIG DEAL!

All ingredients sourced from very reputable vendors and selected for quality, taste and nutrition. ingredients include: curried chick peas>> chick peas/chanan, curry powder, garlic, Shadow Beni (a.k.a. Culantro or Recao), cumin, achar masala, salt, black pepper, tumeric. the Bara>> Flour (white or whole wheat) yeast, salt, sugar, tumeric.

Yogi Tea

We decided to also offer all vegetarian Yogi Tea, my favorite using our own proprietary formula! along with our doubles, but you can wash down the doubles with almost any drink, including water, soda, beer, wine, fruit drinks & juices, but for us hear at ZEN DOUBLES, nothing beats tea, try our Yogi Tea, or have a cup of your favourite tea, with your choice of sweetener, sugar, raw sugar, agave, equal, sucrose, truvia or stevia, as well as, milks. FULL DISCLOSURE: we are NOT associated with the grocery brand of teas titled Yogi Tea! Yogi tea is very common in India and all of South Asia and is commonly known to have medicinal purposes, making it so popular. we use our own proprietary formula for our Yogi Tea which includes, Loose dried Tea leaves, Ginger, Lemon Grass, Cardamom, black pepper, star anise, cinnamon sticks and Organic Soy Milk. Ingrdients. YOGI TEA>> Black Tea leaves, Green Tea leaves, Cinnamon sticks, Ginger, Lemon Grass, Cloves, Coarsely Crushed Black Pepper.

Rotating weekly menu

Our Business Plan includes offering customers a weekly special of one new item every week. The options are endless and your suggestions are welcome. every week, once we are up and running effectively, we will offer a new menu item such as bread or rolls or pastry and desserts, most of these items will be new to you, but come from many ethnic culinary traditions. Your suggestions and comments will also help to drive our weekly offerings, we hope at some point to be able to cater your events.

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